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Our team is a supergroup of talent and achievement, working
towards illuminating the stage!

Get the latest on TEDxMargao conferences year round!

© 2024 TEDxMargao | Website UI/UX & Development: Fluxatic ™ Global

Step on to the TEDxMargao Stage!

At TEDxMargao, we’re on a year-long quest to find speakers who can inform, inspire, surprise, and delight. Our event isn’t your typical conference—it's an experience, and our audience comes with high expectations. They look forward to hearing from amazing individuals who are revolutionizing the world with game-changing inventions, leading admired companies, designing beloved products, and creating cutting-edge media.

But we don't just spotlight established icons. TEDxMargao is also a launchpad for emerging artists, scientists, thinkers, and doers, bringing them into the TED community before they become mainstream sensations.

How do we choose our speakers?

Our curatorial team meticulously selects speakers, focusing on ideas and innovations that truly matter. We invite distinguished experts, visionary artists, passionate activists, and many more to deliver our signature TED Talks, sharing their research and insights with the world.


If you know someone who should grace the TEDxMargao stage—or if you believe that someone is you—we want to hear from you! Learn more about speaking at TEDxMargao, and fill out our speaker nomination form to tell us why this person should be in the spotlight.

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